Hola! Cómo están? Hoy iniciamos con las manualidades para el regreso a clases con este folder hecho de cartón. Este es un proyecto fácil de hacer y con materiales accesibles.
Hello! How are you? Today we started with the DIYs for back to school with this folder made of cardboard. This is an easy project to do with accessible materials.
Lo que necesitas es: Cartón, papel contact, cartulina, washi tape o papel de scrapbook, liga de pelo o banda elástica, broche mariposa, lápiz, tijeras, cutter, pegamento, borrador, regla y lo que quieras para decorar.
What you need is: Cardboard, contact paper, cardstock, washi tape or scrapbook paper, hair band or elastic band, brad, pencil, scissors, cutter, glue, eraser, ruler and whatever you want to decorate.
El folder cuenta con dos bolsillos y un cierre con elástico.
The folder has two pockets and a closure with elastic band.
Mira el procedimiento en el siguiente video
Look the procedure in the following video
Espero que te haya gustado y sobre todo que te sirva de inspiración. Por favor, no olvides dejarme un comentario; así sabré si te gustó y es motivante para continuar haciendo esto que me gusta.
I hope you liked it and got inspire. Please do not forget to leave a comment; So I will know if you liked it and is motivating to continue doing this I like.
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I hope you liked it and got inspire. Please do not forget to leave a comment; So I will know if you liked it and is motivating to continue doing this I like.
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Muchísimas gracias por haberme acompañado el día de hoy. Hasta la próxima =D
Thank you so much for joining me today. Until next time.
Thank you so much for joining me today. Until next time.
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